Monday, 8 October 2007

Clay Ball Morphing Loop - McCool's Club, Craigavon

A beginners excerise, able to be played over and over again, results in a quick way to show morphing ideas and the magic of the Stop-Motion technique. Every frame is an new idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, it is Isaias!

Nice to hear from you :)

As i have not internet nowadays, i am a little bit off the blogs' world :) I have checked ur blog, but i can't see the videos. I will check when i be back at home.

I am lookin' for a job as designer or photographer around here, but i am getting nuts at trying (i don't have even a pc in my house here, so i can't prepare my cv or portfolio properly, damn! :)))

I got ur adress in hotmail's messenger, so we can chat when i be back at home (or if i find some job and house and pc with internet here ;)!