Sunday, 25 November 2007

Finn's Puddle -The Three Sisters - Parkgate P.S. , Antrim

This film was part of a two film project produced by Antrim Borough Council and First Light Movies that centered on a connecting theme of Lough Neagh and the Myths surrounding it.

Taking place at two Antrim Borough schools over the span of 6 months time, 4 hours at each school per week.

At the start, the children had the experience of listening to storyteller, Stephen Hall relate various legends and myths of Finn McCool and stories of how the Lough was thought to have been created.

Then, the next week, I began to draw a story out of the class through the use of drawing and a storyboard that they created themselves.

As the production progressed the children used plasticine and cut-out versions of their character designs and prepare background art and set material.

This took many weeks to finish as there was a 6 page script we wrote and acted out as well. Auditions for the roles were voted on by the class and recording of the parts commenced.

Soon editing of the sound got underway and we were able to see how long our film was going to be before it began. It was vitally important to know this as the project funding required a minimum of 5 minutes for our each of our films.

The cut-out style animation process took more time than the usual claymation style. It's requires a lot more patience and is a little more fiddly.

We hope you enjoy the results.

Finn's Puddle - Eochu's Lake - Carlane P.S. , Antrim

This film uses both flat figure art and three demential figure art. This was done to solve the issues caused by layers of art needed when moving convincingly through space, such has when the King passes through a door as he enters the great banquet hall. If we did this with flat art it would have been too much to ask of the children to do as new filmmakers...too many moving parts and levels of art. It also helped solve how to blend the two techniques.

All the music was performed by a student in the class.

Friday, 2 November 2007

The Pumpkin Spell - W5/ Studio ON

W5 Studio ON Halloween School - TRICK Or TREAT

Is it a trick or a treat? You decide...

Created during the 3 day film school at W5 by 5 young teens and myself with the help of 3 trainers from Studio On.

Day 1 - Story meeting and drafting of the storyboard. Begin design and models of main characters.

Day 2 - Build sets and continue modeling characters. Begin filming first scenes. Start edit of timeline/ shots.

Day 3 - Continue filming remaining shots. Record main character dialogue and edit sound effects to timeline. Add credits and music.

This is the first film I've made using the software iStop Motion. It is used with Macintosh computers and a video camera and it very user friendly.

Watch and beware! ...or is that, 'aware' ?